Sunday, May 1, 2011

Slytherin House

I can now leave Thailand with a clear mind.

For the last few weeks, something has really been weighing me down.  I would have hated to have left Siam without accomplishing one of the goals I set when first learning I was moving to Southeast Asia. We are only five weeks away, but when Becky and I got home this afternoon, my dreams came true; and then I soiled myself.

After a nice weekend in downtown Bangkok, Becky and I open the door to our house and noticed our loyal guard cat, Danni, did not come running to the door.  Instead, she was on full alert at the back door.

Danni was courageously (or stupidly) cornering this:
I have had it with these mutha-effing snakes in this mutha-effing kitchen.

Yeah, that is a cobra.  Yes, I was scared.  However, fear was not going to stop me from capturing this moment, so I first went for the camera and then tried to save our daring feline.  Danni was toying with this thing like it was a gekko, and the cobra struck at her a few times before I was able to grab her.  So far so good, she seems to be OK.

After arguing about what to do for a while, we decided to go get a Thai guy from next door.  Why?  I don't know.  I think that my thoughts were that he had probably dealt with this before.  Well, his response was basically, "Holy crap, that's scary, lets get out of here."  I agreed, but we pressed on.
"I know! Let's poke it with a stick!" 
Proceeding with caution.
Finally, we were able to get the back door unlocked and get the snake to leave.  I would like to say that, while it may look like I am merely taking pictures, I did actually open the door.  So I wasn't a total pansy.  Plus, I have a long documented history of snake wrangling.

To my Dad.  We did it!  We finally did it!  No more ridicule from you about not seeing a cobra.  The even better news is that when you come to visit us in India next year, you can hold one of these guys in your hand!  Get excited!

Enjoy the pictures and videos below.

Isn't there a Bronx Zoo Cobra joke in here somewhere?


  1. You just creeped me out on the other side of the world! I cannot believe you didn't KILL it!! Good grief Currey!

  2. I would have caught it and made it a pet. Then Tiff would have killed it. Then there would have been issues at the house. LOL Skye probably would have thought it was a rubber snake and tried to play with would have been bad all ways around.

  3. Isaac, this episode might make you one of the most interesting men in the world...

  4. This is the first time I heard Isaac say, "I don't know what to do." Twice! Thanks for reminding us that you are not a superhuman.

  5. Hilarious Rachel.

    @The Bethancourts aka Cami: Remember that time that I saved all of Sky Ranch by killing that copperhead with my Nalgene bottle? That was awesome.

  6. I am using this post to educate my maid on how to snake proof our house. We have seen two cobras hanging around our porches the past 3 weeks. Your post has gotten her paranoid now. Very educational!! :)
