Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Let me begin by saying that I consider my father to be one of the smartest people I know.  Now that that is out of the way, we can begin our story.

Becky's email was hacked last night.  This is the harrowing story of how I was able to find out this information almost immediately, alert the authorities and have the culprits caught, jailed and killed (or so I presume, it is communist China after all).* Actually, I found out immediately, did nothing and went to bed forgetting even to tell Becky.  Oooops.

Scene: Isaac is sitting at the table, in a towel, hair damp from the warm shower he just enjoyed.  (Bear with me, I am setting the scene...that's why it said "Scene:").  Curtains open to Isaac at the end of his Skype conversation with his Dad...

Dad: Well, tell Becky we love her - Oh, I got her email. 
Isaac: What? What did she email you about?
Dad: Oh nothing, she just sent me a link.
Isaac: A link? What kind of a link? To what? [Suspicious]
Dad: Uhh, nothing, she was just telling me where she got her knew iPh...
Isaac: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't click the link!
Dad: ...one. Huh?
Isaac: It's evil Dad.  Not the iPhone, well, yes, the iPhone too, but, the link.  (That is a lot of commas...I teach English!)
Dad: Oh, OK.
Isaac: Did you click the link?
Dad: [Sigh] Yeah.  But I think I clicked out in time.
Isaac: I'm sure you did.

End Scene.

I immediately logged into Becky's email (yeah, we know each others passwords. Is that normal?  I think it is.  It's normal to us.  Stop getting me off track!). I saw that many, perhaps even you, were lucky enough to find out where Becky got her new iPhone.  Too bad Becky wasn't lucky enough to get a new iPhone.  I made a mental note to tell Becky, who had gone to bed while I chatted with my Dad, about said hackery.  So with that mental note, I went up the stairs, forgetting entirely by the third step.  These are the things Becky loves about me.

The next morning Becky g-chatted me that Gmail had emailed her about her account being accessed from China.

In closing, if you got an email from Becky about her new iPhone and clicked the link, it is only right that you admit to this in the comments section of this blog post.  Own up to it.  Maybe I will write a disclaimer about how I think you are one of the smartest people I know.  Although that is unlikely as the list includes me, my Dad and Dr. Kyle.  See, I told you I am smart, sucking up to my genius father in law...oh and Becky...whew, that was close.

*This portion of the blog will be replaced with the following if Becky and I secure employment in China next year: "This is the harrowing story of how I was able to find out this information almost immediately, alert the authorities only to find that the Chinese police had already resolved this issue completely and the criminals will have full rights to a trial by their peers(or so I presume, it is glorious China after all).

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